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EXCLUSIVE Microsoft Gatineau presentation and screen shots!

UPDATED: Apologies to Ian Thomas but I forgot to indicate where BETA 1 screen shots stopped and where future releases began as he related this information during his presentation. Please see the note inline below and again, apologies to Ian!

Ian Thomas from Microsoft was in Brussels, Belgium today showing off some screen shots of the upcoming Microsoft Gatineau product. The following are exclusive screen shots of the product, sans commentary per my agreement with the ever-so-nice Mr. Thomas. If you’d like to be considered for the Gatineau BETA, please either visit Ian’s blog at or fill out the form at

Thanks again to Ian for letting me bring these to light and best of luck with the BETA launch!

UPDATED: The following screen shots include visualizations that Mr. Thomas indicated would be in future Gatineau releases.

Again, if you’re interested in signing up for the Gatineau BETA, please go to Any questions about these screen shots or the product images should be addressed to Ian Thomas via his weblog (

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